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Lotus Herbals Youth Rx Anti-Aging Transforming Crème – 50g

Original price was: $23.99.Current price is: $19.49.

Lotus Herbals Youth Rx Anti-Aging Transforming Crème


Lotus Herbals Youth Rx Anti-Aging Transforming Crème – 50g

Product description

A natural anti-aging transforming crème with sunscreen protection

Fighting off wrinkles and reducing fine lines to reveal a healthier, younger complexion just got easier with Lotus Herbals Youth Rx Anti-aging Transforming Crème. Created in the Lotus Herbals laboratories, using ground breaking technology of “Green Sciences”, this natural anti-aging formula contains ‘Gineplex Youth Compound’ derived from potent natural ingredients which absorb easily into your skin to give it a younger, healthier, soft glow.

Gineplex Youth CompoundGineplex Youth Compund created using the revolutionary ‘Green Science’ technology. It consists of the potent extracts of:

  • GinsengGinseng is a natural ingredient which increases the regeneration capacity of skin cells making your skin feeling younger, more supple and radiant
    • Zingiber Officinale (Ginger)Ginger extracts work naturally on your skin to reduce hypopigmented scars and reduce dark spots and blemishes, leaving you with even toned skin that glows.
      • Milk PeptidesMilk peptides nourish your skin from within and aid in the production of collagen which boost skin elasticity and infuse it with natural youth and vitality.
    • Benefits of Lotus Herbals Youth Rx Anti-aging Transformation Crème
    • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles in 7 days flat

    The Gineplex Youth Compunds present in this natural anti-aging cream absorb instantly into your skin and begin working on your fine lines and wrinkles right from day one. In 7 days flat you will notice a visibly younger, healthier and glowing skin.


    • Safe for sensitive skin

    Created using the ground breaking ‘Green Science’ Technology, the Gineplex Youth Compound used in the unique formulation of this anti-wrinkle, anti-aging crème is derived from potent natural ingredients, making this product safe even for sensitive skin. Skin gel is oil free and non-greasy

  • Anti-aging day cream that clears up spots and blemishes
  • Anti-wrinkle cream that irons out fine lines and wrinkles to reveal a vibrant, younger looking skin in 7 days flat
  • Enriched with SPF 25, PA ++ this anti-aging creams protects the skin from UV rays and brightens skin tone
  • Anti-aging skin care made from natural ingredients which are preservative-free and safe for sensitive skin
  • This transforming crème blends smoothly and absorbs easily into the skin giving it a healthy, soft glow
Weight 100 g


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