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Dehlvi Brahmi Capsules – 60caps

Original price was: $10.99.Current price is: $8.49.

Dehlvi Brahmi Capsules

Useful for mental debility, strengthens brain and improves memory


Dehlvi Brahmi Capsules – 60caps

Useful for mental debility, strengthens brain and improves memory


40 (gms)
4 (cm) x 4 (cm) x 8 (cm)

About Brahmi Capsules

Brahmi Capsules promotes mental fitness, good memory & alertness. Also known as Gotu Kola, Brahmi is one of the world’s most powerful adaptogens. Brahmi improves mental clarity, overall well being & boosts energy, without adverse side effect. It helps in  depression, blood pressure etc. This medicine should only be taken under strict medical supervision. This medicine is most commonly used in north Indian Ayurvedic practice.The medicine brahmi as its main constituent. This is unique drug having its direct effect on the nervous system.  Brahmi helps increase certain brain chemicals that are involved in thinking, learning, and memory. It also helps to open and clarify the mind, strengthen memory and intellect, support focus and concentration,encourage a balanced emotional state, promote daytime energy and nighttime sleep with others.

Ingredients of Brahmi Capsule

Brahmi( Baccopa Moneri ) 

Widely acclaimed as a potent mental tonic (nootropic), Brahmi literally means ‘that which improves intelligence’.

  • Improves certain brain chemicals that are involved in thinking, learning and memory, thus enhancing cognitive abilities.
  • Calms the mind, promotes clarity of thought and helps memory consolidation.
  • Offers potent antioxidant neuro protection via modulating key enzymes involved in the generation and scavenging of reactive oxygen species in the brain. This helps in reducing unnatural age-related brain degeneration.

Indication of Brahmi Capsule

A need to improve mental agility, memory and learning in young adults and working professionals.

To prevent age-associated memory problems in the elderly.

Dosage of Brahmi Capsule

Take 2 capsules twice daily before meals with water. Allow several weeks for benefits. The use of natural products provides progressive but long-lasting results.

Precautions of Brahmi Capsule

  • Self medication with this medicine is not advised.
  • Take this medicine in precise dose and for limited period of time, as advised by doctor.
  • Over-dosage may cause adverse effects such as gastritis.
  • It is best avoided in pregnancy, lactation and in children.
  • Keep out of reach and sight of children.
  • Store in a dry cool place.
  • For good results meditation and pranayam should be done while taking it.

Terms and Conditions

We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

Weight 50 g


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