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Traditional Ayurvedic Indian Store


Bakson Mullein Oil – 10ml

Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $6.29.

Bakson Mullein Oil

Earaches, Wax Deposits with Obstruction, Itching, Discharge from Ears


Bakson Mullein Oil – 10ml

Earaches, Wax Deposits with Obstruction, Itching, Discharge from Ears

Also known as

Mulle Oil


30 (gms)
2.7 (cm) x 2.7 (cm) x 7.6 (cm)

About Bakson Mullein Oil

Mullein oil which is obtained from the herb Verbascum thapsus, is a good bactericide and is used locally in diseases of ear. It is suitable for otalgia, sense of obstruction in ears, dry, scaly condition of the meatus, purulent discharge from ears. It is also effective in Otitis externa, Otitis media and hardness of hearing due to excessive accumulation of ear wax, it works well in chronic cold, Sinusitis and old age.

Indication on Bakson Mullein Oil:

  • For earache due to injury, infection or inflammation, Painful eruption of external ear
  • Fungal infection of ear
  • For itching irritation in the ear
  • For swimmer’s ear problems

Composition of Bakson Mullein Oil:

Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): Helps when wax, water or other discharge accumulates in the ear.

Acidum boracicum: Used as an antiseptic disinfectant, since it arrests fermentation and putrefaction.

Glycerine: Sneezing, irritating coryza.

Dosage/Directions of Bakson Mullein Oil:

  • Instil 2-3 drops into the ear 3-4 times a day.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

Weight 50 g


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