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Bakson Ferrum Plus Tonic – 115ml

Original price was: $11.89.Current price is: $9.49.

Bakson Ferrum Plus Tonic

Anaemia, Improves Appetite, Increase Haemoglobin and Builds Immunity


Bakson Ferrum Plus Tonic – 115ml

Anaemia, Improves Appetite, Increase Haemoglobin and Builds Immunity

Also known as

Ferr plus, ferr tonic


155 (gms)
5 (cm) x 5 (cm) x 12.5 (cm)

About Ferrum Plus Tonic

Ferrum Plus raises 0.67gm% of haemoglobin in 5.6 weeks which is clinically proven.

Homoeopathic preparation which:

  • Corrects Anaemia due to blood loss.
  • Fulfils increased natural demand of Iron in pregnancy.
  • Aids absorption of Iron from food.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Normalizes haemoglobin level of blood.
  • No side effects.

Composition of Ferrum Plus tonic:

Ferrum lacticum 1x: Ferrum Lacticum has the general therapeutic value of iron salts. It is easily absorbed and is one of the least astringent forms of iron. An excellent remedy to be used in iron deficiency anaemia.

Ammonium aceticum 1x: Ammonium Aceticum is a good nutrient. Ammonia is essential for maintaining the acid-base balance in your body and keeps you healthy.

Natrum phos. 1x: Natrum Phosphoricum is a salt found in the blood, muscles, nerve and braincells. Natrum phosphoricum is the best remedy for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid.

Kali. phos. 1x: Kali Phosphoricum is effective against cerebral anaemia, an anaemic condition of the brain causing undue nervousness and spinal anaemia resulting from exhausting diseases such as diphtheria, reflex paraplegia with aching pains.

Acidum citricum 1x: Acidum Citricum helps in iron absorption.

Acidum phos. 1x: Acidum Phosphoricum is effective against mental and physical debility from loss of vital fluids.

Dosage/Directions Ferrum Plus Tonic:

  • Adults: 1 tablespoonful, three times a day.
  • Children: 1 teaspoonful, three times a day.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

Weight 150 g


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