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Bakson B1 Influenza and Fever Drops – 30ml

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Bakson B1 Influenza and Fever Drops

For Sore throat, bodyache, Dry Cough, Lowers Mild to High Temperature


Bakson B1 Influenza and Fever Drops – 30ml

For Sore throat, bodyache, Dry Cough, Lowers Mild to High Temperature

Also known as

B1 Flu


85 (gms)
3.8 (cm) x 3.8 (cm) x 9.6 (cm)

Dr. Bakshi Baksons B1 Drops Influenza & Fever

Influenza is a viral infection, commonly people call it as Flu. The flu causes a fever, body aches, a headache, a dry cough, and a sore or dry throat. It includes malaise, bodyache and muscular soreness as well.

Indications of B1 Drops

Sore throat, cough with bodyache.

Other Indications of B1 Drops

  • Runny nose, Rise of body temperature
  • Headache associated with nasal congestion.

Action of Ingredients used in Dr. Bakshi B1 drops

  • Eupatorium perf. 3x: Coryza, with sneezing. Influenza, with great soreness of muscles and bones. Chronic loose cough, chest sore.
  • Ferrum phos. 8x: Chill with thirst. Heat with thirstlessness. Pulse full, short, quick flowing. Used for sudden high rise of temperature due to exposure to cold air or cold drinks, over exertion.
  • Gelsemium semp. 6x: Acute coryza, with dull headache and high body temperature. Throat feels rough with painful swallowing. Dry cough, with sore chest and fluent coryza.
  • Sabadilla 6x: Chill predominates; from below upwards. Heat in head and face; hands and feet icy cold, with chill. Lachrymation during paroxysm.
  • Baptisia 4x: Heat all over, with occasional chills. Constriction of chest.
  • Bryonia alb 4x: Mucous membranes are all dry.Dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea. Easy, profuse perspiration.
  • Causticum hah. 6x: In high body temperature, sweat after chill without intervening heat.
  • Eucalyptus gl. 3x: Chronic catarrhal, purulent and fetid discharge. Enlarged, ulcerated tonsils and inflamed throat. Profuse expectoration of offensive muco-pus. Irritative cough. Elevation of temperature. Discharges show a tendency to foulness, high temperature, accelerated but not strong pulse.

 Dosage of B1 Drops

10-15 drops of Dr. Bakshi B1 drops should be diluted in water and taken every 15 minutes to 2 hours.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

Weight 150 g


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